My Testimony
My Testimony

Pastor Liu Suey’s life was a testament to his deep commitment to spreading the message of love, hope, and redemption. From a young age, he felt a calling to serve God and dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel with a fervent spirit. Pastor Liu Suey has strong theological knowledge and developed his unique approach... » read more

A true blessing on my journey to salvation
A true blessing on my journey to salvation

Brother Liu was a true blessing on my journey to salvation as a Westerner in China and Taiwan. He was one of the first brothers that the saints introduced me to in the Church life. At that time, I was not yet saved and quite skeptical about the Lord and the Church life. I prayed... » read more

A testimony from brother Franklin Say
A testimony from brother Franklin Say

Brother Liu Suey came to serve in Manila in 1977, and over the next year he conducted a one-year full-time training, perfecting over twenty young people who became useful serving ones in the churches both in the Philippines and abroad. 劉遂弟兄於1977年來到馬尼拉服事,隨後的一年他進行了一年的全時訓練,成全了20多名年輕人,他們後來都成為在菲律賓和海外召會中盡功用的服事者。 After leaving in 1979, he occasionally visited to shepherd the churches here. He told... » read more


他是一位和曖可親,謙讓宜人的老弟兄。每次見到他那溫柔的面孔,有些淡淡的笑容。真是和曖可親。 我退休前在一家公司上班十多年。工作鴐輕就熟。雖然過了退休年齡但我還想繼續工作賺那一份薪水。爸爸就輕輕的告訴我該退休了。把握機會把時間為著主。阿們!我很快的就辦理退休手續。同事們都為我惋惜。 彭甲林 Charles Pang


親愛的爸爸, 感謝神給我機會,這十年來得以日夜陪伴並且照顧您和媽媽的生活起居。五年前送走了媽媽,五年後的今天又送走了您! 劉天啓 弟兄


爸爸就是一道『輕清流水!』 父親一生一直是將神擺在首位的人,他總是以神的觀點來處理地上的事務。對於社會中的人情世故,禮尚往來,他『既不想要有,更不想粘鍋;』世人不能理解,但他可真是一位『真瀟灑、活一生』的人。 劉天啓 弟兄