Last modified: 2023 年 9 月 7 日



Peter TL Wong 

Brother Liu Suey stopped over at Honolulu for 1 nite to see the saints, while on his way to another country in the late 90’s . While in the Holiday Inn hotel he called me. I didn’t know, nor met our brother in Christ. I was just beginning to learn to practice the church life for the building up of His Body. But, I was happy somehow to receive his call, n his request to meet the saints. That call was Tuesday morning, n we did not have any regular meeting , but the brother wanted to meet whoever was available that night, because early the next day he will fly off the island. So, about 10 saints were able to meet at my apartment, n it was so comforting to be with him. I observed all the faces were beaming while our brother was sharing. But, don’t ask me what he shared, because I was too happy to remember! Smiling….okay, all was glorious. Simply put, he just wanted to meet saints in Honolulu, n no huge preaching that nite. Many years had passed since that meeting, and in 2019, while in Taipei, after I heard our brother’s health is weakening, I asked to meet him. What a divine arrangement that day! I received a call saying that Liu Suey was returning from the Philippines, n was able to me

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